How to download APP?
Search for "PGEAR" download in Google play or Apple Store, or download from the official website www.mypgear.com.
How to place the PGEAR device correctly?
Make the LOGO sign horizontal toward the sky, Use the holder in the packaging box to fix the PGEAR to the front windshield.
How to connect to Bluetooth?
Press “GO” in the App, Click on the red "P-GEAR Disconnected" ,and a Bluetooth connection page pops out. Choose a valid P-GEAR, it turns green “P-GEAR connected" when connected.
Can't find the car model you want in the garage?
Please click "ME/Help&Support" in the APP to tell us the model you want to add.
Why can't I connect the APP to the vehicle?
Sorry, the APP can't connect to the vehicle. You need to purchase a PGEAR device and connect to the APP.
What do the lights mean on PGEAR device?
The PGEAR device has three lights. The red one is a charging light, the blue one is a Bluetooth light, and the green one is a signal light.
What is the correct light display?
The RED light is on when charging and off when fully charged.
The BLUE light is always on after Bluetooth connection.
The GREEN light flashes when the GPS signal is available.
How to hide the city and weather data in the video?
Just turn off "City" or "Weather" in the APP (Path: Me/Settings/Video Settings).
Is P610 20Hz? What is the difference between it and 10Hz?
Yes, We have UBLOX chip integrated with 3D gyroscope and acceleration sensor, and an inertial navigation algorithm is used to boost it to 20Hz. The output data is a packet every 0.05 seconds, and the results are more accurate. P610G at 10hz outputs a packet of data every 0.1 seconds.
Why do my results have different color seals?
Green seal: 8-10 points, strong satellite signal (no packet loss, or HDOP less than 0.9, or HDOP fluctuation less than 0.1)
Yellow seal: 6-7 points, average satellite signal (0-2 data packets are lost, or HDOP between 0.9-1.2, or HDOP fluctuates between 0.1-0.3)
Red seal: 1-5 points, poor satellite signal (more than 2 data packets are lost, or HDOP is above 1.2, or HDOP fluctuation is stronger than 0.5)
What kind of results can be uploaded?
1.Cars can be clearly identified in the video.
2.The signal score is 7-10 (visible on the seal).
3.The slope of acceleration result is more than -1%, and the slope of braking result is less than 1%.
What is a "One Foot Rollout"?
It is the distance travelled by a vehicle before the timing lights on a drag strip are triggered. When running performance tests, such as a quarter mile test, this distance is typically 1 foot (12 inches). The default result of PGEAR does not use One Foot Rollout, so the results are usually 0.2-0.3 seconds slow, But the results are more real.
What does HDOP mean?
HDOP is the horizontal precision factor. HDOP value is very important in PGEAR measurement, It can evaluate the quality of GPS signal. When it is stable at 0.5-0.8, the result accuracy is the best.